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MASA Quiz Night

11 August 2022

On Wednesday four junior and a senior team competed at Marryatville High School in the annual MASA Quiz Night, where they solved Mathematics and General Knowledge tasks and puzzles.

After preparing for this challenge in lunchtimes, our teams were ready to face their opponents and we congratulate all participants and award winners – especially the PAC 3 junior team, who secured victory in the Year 7-8 category as Year 7 Ãâ·ÑAƬ!

  • Participation: Max Zeng, David Yoon, Ashton Lim, Xander Oakes (Year 7)
  • 3rd place in General Knowledge: Xavier Lim, Harry Paholski, James Selby, Daniel Foo (Year 7)
  • 3rd place in Mathematics: Isaac Yu, David Jia (Year 8)
  • Overall winners in Junior category: Milo Kotzee, Noah Laforest, Devesh Anavkar, Will Spitty (Year 7)
  • 2nd place in Mathematics: Anthony Huynh, Tianyu Sun, Don Bui, Eric McCauley (Year 11)

It was a great night, with interesting questions to ponder and a lot of junk food to consume. We look forward to returning next year when most of our current teams will be in the higher year level of their category – can’t wait to see what they will achieve in 2023!

Marta Matthews
Mathematics Enrichment Coordinator

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