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International Student Reception

19 July 2022

On 21 June, the annual International Student Reception took place in the Piper Pavilion.

All of the international 免费A片, boarders and 免费A片 who migrated to Australia with their parents, attended this event. Headmaster Mr Fenner and Deputy Headmaster Mr Atterton, as well as other staff and teachers, were present at the reception. The preparatory school's international 免费A片 were invited to the occasion, and the Language Captain Spark Wang said a few words thanking the 免费A片. Toby Zhao, our International Student Captain, showed his gratitude for the staff and Mr Fenner鈥檚 generous support during the difficult times with COVID 19 going around. Since this was the final time Mr Fenner attend the reception as headmaster, our International Student Captain and Vice-captain gave their thanks to Mr Fenner鈥檚 hard work and contribution to the 免费A片.

As highlighted by Mr Fenner, the international student cohort has a vast diversity, or more specifically 鈥渄iversity within diversity鈥. There are 免费A片 who migrated to Australia with their parents, 免费A片 who came over to Australia all by themselves and 免费A片 who were born in Australia but have parents from overseas. This shows the Princes spirit of being welcoming of diversity and different cultures.

International 免费A片 have always been an important part of Princes, and the number of new international 免费A片 this year shows that. We have welcomed 16 newcomers across all year levels, from China, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Africa. COVID restrictions were relaxed early this year, so 免费A片 who had waited for two years could finally step foot into Australia. The COVID restrictions lifting also meant that inter-school social events could be carried out. This term, we had our first international student social event in over a year. We had the pleasure to collaborate with Wilderness, Seymour, and St Peter鈥檚 Girls on the last exeat. 80 international 免费A片 were present that day, and it was a great opportunity for us to meet other 免费A片 that come from a range of backgrounds.

The reception this year was a great success, and I had the pleasure to be the MC for the event. It was an eye-opening experience, and I will treasure it. In the future, I hope this tradition can continue as strongly as it has in the past, and as more and more international 免费A片 enrol in Princes, I would like to see the international student community grow even further and closer. 

Ivan Ng
Year 10

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