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General Information & Stage 1

What is the purpose of the Preparatory School redevelopment? The ‘Why’

The Preparatory School campus redevelopment marks the first stage of an ambitious program of campus renewal at Prince Alfred Ãâ·ÑAƬ. Whilst the current facilities have been adapted over the years and serve us well today, they are nearing end of life. The redevelopment will provide us with a flexible, technologically advanced educational environment, purpose-built to support exceptional learning experiences for boys.

I have heard this is only one of several new developments planned by the Ãâ·ÑAƬ; what are the others?

The Preparatory School campus redevelopment is the first stage in an ambitious multi-year plan for renewal across the Ãâ·ÑAƬ. Subsequent stages include the building of a multi-level carpark in Ãâ·ÑAƬ Road, Kent Town, a new Multi-purpose Sports Field, a new Secondary School Development and the refurbishment of areas within the existing Secondary School.

Why is the Preparatory School the first project being undertaken?

The Preparatory School redevelopment is the first project being undertaken due to it's location on the campus resulting in minimal disruption to teaching and learning and student experience. Stage 1 is not reliant on other changes to the Kent Town campus to be made first, for example  some traffic management changes being needed to be made prior to Stages 3 and 4 commencing.

Which buildings in the Preparatory School fall within the scope of the redevelopment?

The scope of the redevelopment is limited to the Robertson buildings making way for two new buildings. The impacted buildings include the current junior primary teaching areas and the administration building. The section of the Robertson Buildings bordering Little Flinders Street will be retained.

What is the timeline for construction of the new Preparatory School buildings?

Whilst timings are subject to change, we anticipate initial works commencing in the December 2024 holidays and building works to commence in the first half of 2025. The Preparatory School campus redevelopment is expected to take 12-18 months.

What are the key features of the Preparatory School redevelopment?

The key features of the redevelopment include:

  • Nine new purpose-built classrooms.
  • Multi-purpose breakout spaces.
  • Five small-group instruction rooms.
  • New administrative hub including visitor reception.
  • Specialised learning areas.
  • Multi-purpose function space.
  • Staff facilities including work spaces and staff room.
  • Active outdoor spaces with learning, play and social areas.
What are the key benefits of the Preparatory School redevelopment?

The key benefits of the redevelopment include:

  • Improvements to student outcomes and wellbeing.
  • Flexible learning spaces and multi-purpose breakout areas.
  • Improved environment for outdoor learning and play.
  • Greater connection between the Preparatory School and the wider campus.
  • More opportunities for community engagement through hosting events and information sessions in the multi-purpose areas.
  • Increasing opportunities and spaces for teacher collaboration.
  • An environmentally sustainable build.
  • Enduring sense of pride and belonging.
How big is the new building?

The new building has been cleverly designed with embedded technology and more adaptable spaces to meet the needs of education into the future. The new buildings will be approximately 1700sqm total floor area comprising Ground Floor and First Floor levels. The redevelopment incorporates best practice research that our design team have been gathering with feedback from consultation with our current staff and Ãâ·ÑAƬ to re-imagine our teaching and ancillary spaces.

The redevelopment will include an incremental 2 classrooms; 4 small group instruction rooms; significant break out spaces for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2; 1 large multi-purpose gathering space, 1 meeting room, dedicated staff work spaces, larger staff room and end of journey facilities for staff.

Is there a desire to grow student numbers in the Preparatory School?

It is expected in future years that enrolments in the Preparatory School will increase by approximately 10% beyond current capacity. This is expected to be a gradual increase and is dependent on the Secondary School being able to accommodate a modest increase in Ãâ·ÑAƬ also.

Was community input sought during the design phase?

There has been extensive consultation with current parents, staff, Ãâ·ÑAƬ and Old Scholars. Engagement with our community commenced in late 2022 when the Master Plan process began 

Consultation for the Preparatory School campus has included multiple function and design workshops with staff and Ãâ·ÑAƬ; workshops with our Executive, Infrastructure Committee and Ãâ·ÑAƬ Council; parent information sharing sessions and walk throughs; one on one and group sessions and walk throughs with Old Scholars and the Old Scholars Association Committee; and regular updates to the Friends of PAC Committee.

Have you consulted with local residents and businesses who may be affected by the build?

As we progress through our Master Plan design process we will continue to consult widely with our Ãâ·ÑAƬ community and other interested parties, including local residents, if impacted.

The Preparatory School redevelopment is situated in the southeastern corner of the campus. It is surrounded by Dequetteville Terrace with Parklands opposite, the Royal Coach Hotel which is owned by the Ãâ·ÑAƬ, the existing Preparatory School buildings and the Main Oval. As this project is a continuation of land use (education) and is of a lesser height than the existing tower, the longer-term impact on local residents and businesses is expected to be negligible.

Is there enough demand for a project like this?

Yes, there is demand from our community to provide exceptional facilities that are tailored to support the learning needs of boys, today and in the future.

Are any trees being removed to facilitate the new building?

There will be some planting removal to facilitate the redevelopment of the Preparatory School. Plantings will be retained where possible and a significant number of new and mature plantings will be added as part of the outdoor landscaping scope of work.

Who is the point of contact for questions or concerns relating to the development?

Feel free to talk to any members of our Ãâ·ÑAƬ Executive team if you have questions relating to the Master Plan or Preparatory School campus redevelopment.

Should you have a question not addressed here, please email creatingnewtraditions@pac.edu.au

Safety and Security

There will be a lot of visiting site workers during the build. How will this be managed to ensure the safety of the boys?

A comprehensive traffic management plan and health and safety plan have been developed as part of the local council development application. It is intended that the initial works take place during the upcoming December/January school holidays. Appropriate fencing and site hoarding will be installed to ensure the safety of our Ãâ·ÑAƬ, staff and visitors to the Ãâ·ÑAƬ. Access by site workers and vehicles is expected to have minimal impact within the Ãâ·ÑAƬ grounds due to external site access on two sides from public roads.

All construction staff and workers on site will have the required checks carried out for working in school environments.

How will the school ensure the safety and security of the construction site?

All industry standard measures will be taken to ensure the security of the construction site. This includes relocating Ãâ·ÑAƬ to other buildings and areas within the campus and installing appropriate secure fencing around the perimeter of the site.

All construction staff and workers on site will have the required checks carried out for working in school environments.

Are there any potential health hazards associated with the demolition or construction processes?

All regulatory requirements will be adhered to through the construction of the Preparatory School build. This includes undertaking the demolition phase during school holidays. All efforts will be made to minimise disruption during the school day.

Have you done a traffic study?

Yes, a comprehensive traffic study was undertaken as part of the development application process.

How will the Ãâ·ÑAƬ manage heavy vehicle access to the site?

Heavy vehicle access to the building site will enter from Dequetteville Terrace and/or Little Flinders Lane

Are there safety concerns for the current Preparatory School buildings?

No, there are no safety concerns about the current Preparatory School buildings.

Impact on School Operations

Where will Ãâ·ÑAƬ be housed during the redevelopment?

The Preparatory School year levels will be accommodated within our existing suite of classrooms and learning spaces. As with previous years, we will communicate which class, teacher and classroom each student has been allocated, in January 2025 following consultation with their current teacher. It is expected that no demountable classrooms will be used during the period of the redevelopment.

Where will specialist lessons take place next year?

For the duration of the redevelopment Ãâ·ÑAƬ will not move to a separate learning area for specialist lessons except Physical Education, STEM, Art and Music. Specialist lessons such as Chinese will take place in the regular classrooms.

Will my son’s learning be disrupted during the redevelopment?

Every effort is being made to ensure the disruption to student learning is minimised. This includes the initial works being undertaken during the December/January holidays.

Will the same opportunities for extracurricular be available for my son?

Yes. There will be no interruption to the curricular, co-curricular or wellbeing programs offered to Preparatory School Ãâ·ÑAƬ.

Will there be any changes to student access to playgrounds, the Ovals, or other facilities during construction?

Yes. There will be no access to the current Junior Primary playground as it falls within the construction zone. The Galatea Playground on the Main Oval will be open as will the playground located near the John Dunning Sports Centre. Access to the Main Oval will be the same as it is today with a modest increase in the allocation of oval space.

Will there be enough play space during the build?

Yes, we will be accommodating our Junior Primary Ãâ·ÑAƬ safely into other play areas.

We will also be making use of space next to the John Dunning Sports Centre for our Ãâ·ÑAƬ to play during recess.

How will the build affect access to the Ãâ·ÑAƬ via Dequetteville Terrace for drop off and pick up?

It is our intention to maintain access along Dequetteville Terrace for drop off and pick up as many of our families prefer this access point. This access will form part of the brief to the building contractor when appointed and will be addressed when the traffic and site management plans are finalised with the builder.

How will car parking be affected?

Due to the location of the redevelopment, it is expected there will be minimal impact on the car parking area in and around the Pirie St driveway entered via The Parade West. 

What will happen to assemblies and chapel services?

Assemblies and Chapel Services will run as normal in their allocated spaces.

Where will the Preparatory School Office and sick bay be located?

During the redevelopment, administrative spaces will be located in the John Dunning Sports Centre, with the Preparatory School Office in the foyer of this building. The sick bay will also be in this space, and greater use of the Ãâ·ÑAƬ Health Centre will be employed for attending to Ãâ·ÑAƬ. There will be some changes also to the areas occupied by our OSHC & Vacation Care program.

Stage 2 PAC Carpark

When will the carpark be commenced and completed?

The Ãâ·ÑAƬ is in the process of finalising the plans for the carpark with the Ãâ·ÑAƬ Council and Norwood, Payneham and St Peters Council. Construction is expected to commence in 2025 and it is anticipated the construction will take 12-18 months.

The carpark seems to be further away, how will the safety of Ãâ·ÑAƬ and adults be protected?

As an inner-city school, parking and traffic management in and around our campus presents a challenge that requires careful planning and monitoring.

The new, purpose-built carpark will include the addition of a second airbridge across Little Young Street which, when connected to the existing air bridge across The Parade West will provide safe passage for Ãâ·ÑAƬ, parents and visitors onto the campus.

We will retain a drop-off and collection zone as well as short term carparks for ELC and junior primary parents within the campus.

Will the public be able to park in the PAC Carpark?

We are in the process of designing how and who the carpark will be used by and will share these details when finalised with local Council. Our staff, parents and Ãâ·ÑAƬ visitors will be our priority to accommodate.

Will there be electric charging facilities with the new carpark?

Yes, we do intend to include charging facilities for electric vehicles in line with our Strategic Priority to be a Leader in Sustainability.

Financial Information

What will be the total cost for the entire Master Plan?

The total cost of the Master Plan will depend on the scope of the overall program of work across the five stages, the final two stages of which are yet to be scoped and designed.

What is the total cost of the Preparatory School Redevelopment?

The cost of Stage 1: Preparatory School Redevelopment is approximately $23million.

How is the Master Plan being funded?

The programs of work within the Master Plan are being funded through a combination of Ãâ·ÑAƬ investment, debt, and voluntary fundraising.

What is the cost of the PAC Carpark?

The total cost of the PAC Carpark construction is being developed as we look to finalise design plans over the coming months.

Will there be any additional costs passed on to parents or the community?

There will be no mandatory costs passed onto parents/fee payers or the community.

The Ãâ·ÑAƬ will be undertaking some voluntary fundraising activities to support the redevelopment.

Will my fees increase to fund the project?

No. There will be no fee increase to offset the cost of the Preparatory School Redevelopment.

How can I / my business support the Master Plan?

If you are interested in opportunities to support the redevelopment, please contact our Director of Philanthropy, Helen Karapandzic, on +61 8 8334 1200 or hkarapandzic@pac.edu.au.

Communication and Updates

How will parents be kept informed about the progress of the redevelopment?

The Ãâ·ÑAƬ will be providing regular updates to the community regarding progress of the project via email and the Ãâ·ÑAƬ App. In addition, regular news updates will be added to the Master Plan pages on the Ãâ·ÑAƬ website which are publicly available.

How can parents provide feedback or voice concerns during the project?

The Ãâ·ÑAƬ welcomes feedback and input from our community. All queries, concerns or suggestions can be sent to creatingnewtraditions@pac.edu.au.

When will the Ãâ·ÑAƬ communicate their plans for the Secondary School?

The teaching and learning staff are in the early stages of planning how best our Secondary School facilities can support the future learning needs of our Ãâ·ÑAƬ. The research and design team for this project was activated in Term 2 of this year.

Following this early planning stage, consultation will commence with key stakeholders including staff, Ãâ·ÑAƬ, parents and Old Scholars. This is likely to commence in early 2025.